Big East Environmental
The Right Solution for a Cleaner and Safer Environment
Asbestos • Environmental Assessment • Underground Tank • Lead Based Paint Services
Mold and Indoor Air Quality • Soil and Groundwater Testing • Industrial Hygiene
From the air you breathe, to the water you drink, to the soil beneath your feet – Big East Environmental has the right solution to help you create a cleaner and safer environment. With years of experience in the field and in the lab, our team of experts is licensed and qualified to design and manage your environmental project from beginning to end. This includes mapping out project plans and specifications, choosing a contractor and completing close-out documentation.
Call Us Today: 203-354-4955
Our Services
We believe in helping you meet the highest health and safety standards, which is why we offer a range of innovative environmental engineering, investigation, inspection and design services.
Environmental Site Assessment
Phase I & Phase II & Phase III
Inspections, Analysis, Risk Assessments and More
Industrial Hygiene
Inspections to Identify Potential Environmental Hazards
Lead Based Paint Services
Inspections, Screening, Sampling of Dust, Soil and Water for Analysis and More
Mold and Indoor Air Quality
Comprehensive Inspections and Remediation Project Design and Management
Soil and Groundwater Testing
Underground Storage Tank
Location Services, Risk Assessments and More
Call Us Today: 203-354-4955